Breaking Good~ Grit, Gratitude & Grace

You Gotta Be

Episode Summary

"Discipline your disappoints, and never give up!" Lois Koffi is just one of a few hundred certified 12 Week Year Trainers in the world. As a recovering workaholic who has worked from home for the last 13 years - she has excelled in setting and keeping healthy boundaries, learned how to say NO, and make more money in less time by mastering the principles she teachers her clients. She lives in Southern California with her family while growing a global business, has a podcast and loves helping her clients create six figures from home You can learn about her podcast at and tune in You can also join her podcast community on Facebook for free tips/tools Her free gift to my community is FREE entry into her List Build Course for this week only - thru Friday, Oct 16th, go to and hit promo code LISTBUILD She will never offer this course again for FREE or at this low low price - it's valued at $1500 and you get it for FREE for being part of my podcast community. #LoisKoffi #podcastprofitlab Music contribution Des'ree-You Gotta Be Video clip by MyFavMusic123

Episode Notes